The fastest-growing disease in Mexico

The fastest-growing disease in Mexico in recent years is diabetes. More than a third of Mexicans suffer, have relatives, or know someone with diabetes. 1 in 8 Mexicans have been diagnosed with diabetes. Certainly, diabetes is a very malicious and insidious disease with a harmless appearance. You do not know you have problems, until arises any complications or illness is out of control, like uncontrolled urination and thirst as an addition, two of the most common symptoms of diabetes. This is happening especially disproportionately with type II diabetes. Only 20% of the population is informed about this disease. Which means that 80% of the population does not know if they are at risk for this disease or already have it? This is why it is also called "the silent murderer". People who already have been diagnosed with this disease tend to be more aware of the risks involved and have acquired knowledge about it. Diabetes is a chronic and degenerative disease an...